10 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Faktor Lingkungan terhadap Strategi dan Kinerja Industri Manufaktur di Jawa Timur

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    This research examined the influence of environment factors (industrial, operational and remote) on the strategy and performance of manufacturing industries in East Java. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed to test the hypotheses which emerged from the observed conditions. Moreover, the AMOS 4.0 was also used to perform the SEM. The results showed that the environment factors, i.e. industrial and operational environments as well as remote environments jointly affect the understanding of the environment industry matching with industry and environmental operational environment to establish its strategic objectives as an effort to achieve optimum performance manufacturing industries in East Java. Industrial environment conditions cannot be isolated from the global crisis because most industries prefer to concentric diversification strategy where new product technologies have a relevance to existing products

    Perancangan Sistem Autonomous Quadcopter

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    Paper ini mengusulkan sebuah perancangan sistem autonomous quadcopter. Quadcopteradalah sejenis pesawat terbang yang memiliki empat motor sebagai penggerak utamanya.Quadcopter memiliki kemampuan untuk lepas landas, hover, terbang manuver dan mendaratbahkan ditempat yang memiliki ruang terbatas. Sistem autonomous quadcopter yang dibangundidesain untuk memiliki kemampuan mengendalikan sistem secara mandiri. Sistem tersebutdiupayakan memiliki seminimal mungkin pengendalian dari user. Semua elemen autonomousquadcopter akan dijelaskan dalam paper ini; termasuk struktur mekanik, sistem kontrol, komputer,sensor, actuator dan sumber energinya. Sistem tersebut juga dirancang agar dapat di bekerja padaarea out door. Pengujian dalam penelitian ini dilakukan fokus terhadap sensor Accelerometer dansensor Gyroscope. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, rentang nilai ADC sensor gyroscope dengankemiringan sudut 0 hingga 180 adalah 67 sampai 101. Sedangkan pengujian pada kecepatankeempat motor dengan nilai tegangan yang sama, terdapat selisih kecepatan dari beberapa motordengan nilai maksimal 2

    Identifikasi Plant Purwarupa Heat Exhcanger Tipe Shell dan Tube Model Counter Flow Memanfaatkan Software Matlab

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    – a heat exchanger is a device that acts as a transfer of heat energy between two fluids or more. There are various ways to improve the effectiveness of heat exchange devices, according to mechanical engineering, by increasing the convection heat transfer coefficient, increasing the surface area of the heat exchanger and increase the temperature difference to reach the specified temperature. The heat transfer can be defined as the transfer of energy from one system to another as a result of the temperature difference, this energy transfer always occurs from a high temperature system to another lower temperature system and will stop after the two systems reach the same temperature, the temperature difference is the main requirement for the transfer of the system. The design of prototype heat exchanger coolermodel counter flow has been made and by utilizing MATLAB software, we have obtained mathematical model of plant order 2, to test the response of plant using simulink in MATLAB, so that the response of the plant at setpoint is still above, improve the performance or response of the plant.

    Implementation of Automatic DC Motor Braking PID Control System on (Disc Brakes)

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    The vital role of an automated braking system in ensuring the safety of motorized vehicles and their passengers cannot be overstated. It simplifies the braking process during driving, enhancing control and reducing the chances of accidents. This study is centered on the design of an automatic braking device for DC motors utilizing disc brakes. The instrument employed in this study was designed to accelerate the vehicle in two primary scenarios - before the collision with an obstacle and upon crossing the safety threshold. It achieves this by implementing the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control method. A significant part of this system comprises ultrasonic sensors, used for detecting the distance to obstructions, and rotary encoder sensors, which are utilized to measure the motor's rotational speed. These distance and speed readings serve as essential reference points for the braking process. The system is engineered to initiate braking when the distance value equals or falls below 60cm or when the speed surpasses 8000rpm. During such events, the disc brake is activated to reduce the motor's rotary motion. The suppression of the disc brake lever is executed pneumatically, informed by the sensor readings. Applying the PID method to the automatic braking system improved braking outcomes compared to a system without the PID method. This was proven by more effective braking results when the sensors detected specific distance and speed values. Numerous PID tuning tests achieved optimal results with K_p = 5, K_i = 1, and K_d = 3. These values can be integrated into automatic braking systems for improved performance. The PID method yielded more responsive braking outcomes when applied in distance testing. On the contrary, the braking results were largely unchanged in the absence of PID. Regarding speed testing, the PID method significantly improved the slowing down of the motor speed when it exceeded the maximum speed limit of 8000 rpm. This eliminates the possibility of sudden braking, thus maintaining the system within a safe threshold. The average time taken by the system to apply braking was 01.09 seconds, an indication of its quick responsiveness. This research is a valuable addition to control science, applying the PID control method to automatic DC motor braking. It provides valuable insights and concrete applications of PID control to complex mechatronic systems. It is also noteworthy for its development and optimization of suitable PID parameters to achieve responsive and stable braking. The study, therefore, offers a profound understanding of how PID control can be employed to manage braking systems on automatic DC motors, thereby advancing knowledge and application of control in control science and mechatronics

    Perancangan Mekanisme Kontrol Kinerja Supply Chain Management (Scm)

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    This study discusses the performance control mechanisms Supply Chain Management (SCM). The steps in this research is to identify indicators of performance, then design a control mechanism using a control chart performance and analyze performance indicators SCM capabilities. Results of this study was the design of the control mechanism of the performance of SCM with the SCOR model, which Deliver perspective with three performance indicators, ie indicators On Time - In Full, Quality and Delivery Performance Of Transportation Cost As Percentage Of Sales. The third indicator is effective to control the performance indicators. In addition, the control limits are used as the controller of performance indicators in this study can also determine the position of SCM performance more quickly, so that the organization can perform its business processes better


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    Pada proses electroplating, nikel banyak dipergunakan sebagai logam pelapis dikarenakan mempunyai sifatyang keras, dapat dipergunakan dalam aplikasi yang membutuhkan ketahanan terhadap temperatur tinggi,serta dapat meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap korosi. Keefektifan pelapisan logam dalam proseselectroplating dipengaruhi oleh banyak hal, antara lain temperatur larutan, penempatan katoda, lamanyawaktu pelapisan, dan lain sebagainya. Keefektifan pelapisan tersebut sangat berpengaruh pada kualitasendapan yang terbentuk pada katoda dalam hal ini adalah logam induk (substrat). Penelitian inimenggunakan parameter proses electroplating nikel yaitu jarak anoda-katoda, material baja JIS S45C sebagailogam induk, serta larutan Watts sebagai larutan elektrolitnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahuipengaruh jarak anoda-katoda terhadap ketahanan thermal shock dan ketahanan korosi hasil electroplating.Parameter jarak anoda-katoda yang digunakan sebanyak 4 variasi yaitu 3 cm, 5 cm, 7 cm, dan 9 cm. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data penelitian dan pembahasan didapatkan bahwa ketahanan thermal shockdan ketahanan korosi hasil electroplating mengalami peningkatan dengan semakin menurunnya jarak anodakatoda.Berdasarkan variasi jarak anoda-katoda 3 cm, 5 cm, 7 cm, dan 9 cm diketahui bahwa perubahanjarak anoda-katoda dalam proses elektroplating mempunyai pengaruh nyata terhadap ketahanan thermalshock dan ketahanan korosi hasil electroplating.


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    ABSTRACTPhysically salt is a white crystal with the largest chemical compound content is sodium chloride (NaCl) 80%, and other compounds such as magnesium chloride (MgCl2), magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), and calcium chloride (CaCl2). Fortification is an effort made to add micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals to food to improve the quality of nutrients that are useful for public health. Water content analysis on Dayak Onion Fortification Salt Products was 0.73% for Fortified Salt using Aquadest material, and 0.34% Using Ethanol, while salt onion dayak fortification using Methanol mixture contained 0.42% water content. salt fortification with onion dayak which uses color methanol which is produced higher or the resulting color is better and preferred by many consumers, pure white pure salt which is favored by consumers, salt fortification with onion dayak which uses maceration of methanol extract which is much preferred by consumers.Keywords: Dayak Onion, Consumption Salt, AntioxidantsSecara fisik garam dapur merupakan Kristal berwarna putih dengan kandungan senyawa kimia terbesar adalah natrium klorida (NaCl) 80%, serta senyawa lainnya seperti magnesium klorida (MgCl2), magnesium sulfat (MgSO4), dan kalsium klorida (CaCl2). Fortifikasi merupakan sebuah upaya yang dilakukan untuk menambahkan mikronutrien seperti vitamin dan mineral ke dalam makanan untuk meningkatkan kualitas nutrisi yang berguna bagi kesehatan masyarakat. analisis Kadar Air pada Produk Garam Fortifikasi Bawang Dayak adalah 0,73% untuk Garam Fortifikasi dengan menggunakan bahan Aquadest, dan 0,34% Dengan Menggunakan Bahan Etanol, sedangkan garam fortifikasi bawang dayak dengan menggunakan campuran Methanol mengandung kadar air seberat 0,42%. garam fortifikasi dengan bawang dayak yang menggunakan methanol warna yang dihasilkan semakin tinggi atau warna yang dihasilkan semakin bagus dan disukai banyak konsumen, garam murni dengan  warna putih bersih  yang banyak disuka oleh konsumen, garam fortifikasi dengan bawang dayak yang menggunakan maserasi ekstrak methanol  yang banyak disuka oleh para konsumenKata Kunci : Bawang Dayak, Garam konsumsi, Antioksida

    Perancangan Alat Laju Penguapan (Evaporasi) Air Garam dengan Pendekatan Bodyspace Orang Madura

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    Perancangan alat laju penguapan (evaporasi) air garam perlu memperhatikan aspek ergonomic guna kesesuaian alat dengan petani tambak sebagai pengguna. Salah satu pendekatan ergonomic yang digunakan dalam perancangan alat laju penguapan air garam yaitu metode bodyspace. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah agar perancangan alat laju penguapan sesuai dengan antropometri orang Madura berjenis kelamin pria selaku pengguna. Berdasarkan data antropometri orang Madura berjenis kelamin pria pada rentang usia 21-24 tahun, data dimensi tubuh yang digunakan terkait pendekatan bodyspace yaitu data D1,D2,D4,,D24,D25,D28,D29,D33 dan D34, dengan persentil sebesar 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dengan memperhatikan data dimensi pada D1,D2 dan D34 ketinggian alat minimum sebesar 123 cm tinggi maksimum sebesar 193 cm, data D33 panjang alat sebesar 56 cm, data D24 dan D25 lebar alat sebesar 54 cm, data D2 ketinggian LCD sebesar 81 cm, data D28,D29 panjang handle sebesar 11 cm, data D28,D29 dan D33 ukuran wadah diperoleh panjang 30 cm, lebar 30 cm dan tinggi 9 cm. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, maka diketahui bahwa perancangan alat laju penguapan perlu dibuat secara fleksibel sesuai dengan data dimensi Antropometri orang Madura sebagai penggunanya.Design of Salt Water Evaporation Tools using the Madurese Bodyspac

    Identifikasi Plant Purwarupa Heat Exhcanger Tipe Shell dan Tube Model Counter Flow Memanfaatkan Software Matlab

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    Abstract – a heat exchanger is a device that acts as a transfer of heat energy between two fluids or more. There are various ways to improve the effectiveness of heat exchange devices, according to mechanical engineering, by increasing the convection heat transfer coefficient, increasing the surface area of the heat exchanger and increase the temperature difference to reach the specified temperature. The heat transfer can be defined as the transfer of energy from one system to another as a result of the temperature difference, this energy transfer always occurs from a high temperature system to another lower temperature system and will stop after the two systems reach the same temperature, the temperature difference is the main requirement for the transfer of the system. The design of prototype heat exchanger coolermodel counter flow has been made and by utilizing MATLAB software, we have obtained mathematical model of plant order 2, to test the response of plant using simulink in MATLAB, so that the response of the plant at setpoint is still above, improve the performance or response of the plant..Keywords:

    Test Equipment Adding Electric Supercharger on Injection Machine for Biofuel Optimization

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    One of the problems that occur in our earth is air pollution and the depletion of fossil fuel stocks. Researchers want to make research on how the fuel burns completely, so that the resulting exhaust gas is environmentally friendly. In addition, this research is expected as an education and comparison before and after the turbofan is given. This study will control the AFR (Air Fuel Ratio) in the intake air to get the right ratio of fuel to air stoichiometry. By controlling the air intake into the engine and adding a turbofan using the PID method. The way the turbofan works is using the lamba sensor as system input, then the value of the lamba sensor is entered into the PID method. From the PID value will determine the speed of the brushless motor which aims to get the best AFR. By looking at the lambda sensor output which is close to the setpoint of 0.5, it is expected to produce a more perfect mixture of air and gasoline